Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Texas City Demonstration, Same Old, Same Old

The recent demonstration, disguised as a press conference, by Quanell Ralph Evans, was just some more of the same old stuff we've been seeing all over the country.  Every time a black hoodlum meets his maker at the hands of law enforcement, here come the black agitators.
Now, I see nothing wrong with peaceful demonstrations by anyone, but when they start demanding police turn over evidence in a case and demanding the District Attorney appoint a special prosecutor, they've gone too far.
First, evidence is exactly what the word implies, EVIDENCE, and that means it is part of the police investigation and is not subject to public review.  These people know this yet during their TV performances they 'demand to see the video' and demand this and that.
QUIT IT!!!! You are not going to get the video.  It is police evidence.  Get that through your heads.
Special prosecutor?  No!  We have a prosecutor in this county.  We elected him because we thought he was the best candidate and would do a good job for us in criminal cases, and this is a criminal case.  We do not need a special prosecutor, so forget it.
So now Mr. Evans, or Mr. X, or whoever you wish to call yourself. if you and your family of black panthers wish to stand on the courthouse steps and impress those who are impressionable, go right ahead.
BUT!!! Don't ask for stuff you can't have and don't tell our District Attorney or Police Chief, or Mayor or City Council, or County Judge, or Commissioners Court, or anyone else how to handle their business. The people of this city and county elected them and if we decide we don't want them anymore that's our business, NOT YOURS.
And that's the way I see it.  How about you?

Monday, December 29, 2014

Why Did The Police News Post Quannel's Press Release?

In advance of the so-called press conference which turned into a civil disturbance, we had several police officer groups who had heard about it, ask us to post the press release from Quannel X announcing it.  Their reasoning was the general public was not aware of it and would not turn out for it.  These were people The Police News has regular contact with and we agreed and wanted to help get a large turn out.

So, we did and it worked.  According to those groups The Police News was responsible for the large turn-out because no other news source had announced it.

And speaking of those news sources, once again I watched the area TV stations, and their on-scene reporters, give completely different versions of what actually happened.  One station filmed their 'live' report several hours after it was over and everyone was gone.  Yet they called it 'live from the scene'.  Either they are idiots or they think we are.

Anyway, the reason for this post is just to let our readers know why we posted Ralph Quannel's press release.  We receive everyone he put's out in our email and this is the first one we have ever posted.  We did it for our brothers and sisters in law enforcement who asked us to.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Everyone is a 'Suspect' in the media

I often want to just laugh out loud when watching the news on TV at the way reporters refer to burglars, robbers, and all flavors of bandits as 'suspects' regardless of the circumstances.

The other night a lady reporter was standing on the curb outside a Houston home where the homeowner had shot and killed a burglar.  She called the burglar 'the suspect'.

An example of the limited vocabulary of these reporters is this story.  The burglar that was shot dead by the homeowner was crawling under a partially opened garage door in the middle of the night when he was caught by the homeowner and shot dead, partially inside the garage and partially outside.

Once he gets inside the man's home, he ceases being a suspect and becomes a burglar.  There is no need for a court verdict, there is no need he be formally charged with burglary, this guy became a burglar.  Then he became a dead burglar,  No longer a suspect.

But can these reporters make that transition?  Hell no!  I suppose they have decided that if they just call everyone a suspect, they're safe.

It may be too difficult to ask them to be too exact.  Notice how they look down at their cellphones for notes while giving the live report.  Looking up, looking down, up and down.  Hey, it's a 10-15 second report.  That's just too much to memorize.

That's the way I see it.

You ?