Monday, February 23, 2015

Is This "Crime Stopper Impersonators?"

There is a group in Galveston, Texas which has represented itself for years as a Crime Stoppers organization.  It once went by the name Galveston Crime Stoppers and did very little, if any, good for residents or law enforcement in the City of Galveston.  Then it changed it's name to Galveston County Crime Stoppers, leaving the impression it would be serving the entire county.  Keep in mind that other cities in Galveston County have their own Crime Stoppers organizations, some of which are much more active and effective than the so-called Galveston County Crime Stoppers.
We questioned the motives of the name change but never received an answer that was believable knowing the background of the group.
Not many residents even know there is a Galveston Crime Stoppers.  Other Crime Stoppers organizations get more tips from Galveston residents about Galveston crime.  Probably more than the so-called Galveston Crime Stoppers.  Yes, they do have a tip line and one never knows who is going to answer it.
By the way, the main two who head this crime stopper group are it's president and treasurer.  A lawyer president and a CPA treasurer.  They have been in charge for years and when they do hold board meetings it usually consist only of them and a couple other folks.  Board members and a coordinator and secretary come and go, but the two at the top have been there forever.
This crime stopper group continues to receive money from the courts in Galveston County, as do the other Crime Stopper groups. How much they get, and where that money goes is anyone's guess.
There have been complaints recently from tipsters that they didn't get paid for the information they furnished and which they qualified for tip money.
Texas Crime Stoppers, the main organization in Texas which supposedly oversees these other groups recommended at one time that groups should not have lawyers as presidents.  This is to prevent a crooked lawyer from building his/her law practice by soliciting people arrested from Crime Stopper tips.
Of course Galveston is known everywhere as the Independent Nation of Galveston and they do everything the way THEY want to and not necessary the decent or legal way.  That applies to more than just Crime Stoppers.
To re-enforce this, one only need look at press releases coming from law enforcement agencies in Galveston County.  They hardly ever list a Crime Stopper Tip Line to call when they urge residents to provide information in a case.  One will see NO Crime Stopper billboards, signs or other advertisement anywhere.
One can only wonder how these things continue to manifest themselves and nothing is ever done about it.  There are no investigative news reporters in the county.  The investigative reports in Houston have plenty to do there.  That pretty much leaves the shady characters in Galveston free to do business as they wish, bilking everyone they can out of everything they can, and leaving their victims under the impression they are performing a grand public service.
Do this bring questions to your mind?  Share them with us.
That's The Way I See It!  How About You?

1 comment:

  1. According to their website, if current, the following people make up the Galveston County Crime Stoppers organization which by the way just happens to be located at the Galveston County Justice Center; otherwise known as Galveston County Sheriff's Office, which is located at 601-54th, St.

    Bob Shattuck - President
    J.B. Schmidt - Treasurer
    Bonnie Quiroga - Secretary
    Gladys Jones - Office Administrator
    Don Mafrige - Board Member
    Freedie Poor - Galveston County Sheriff-Liaison
    Ray Tuttoilmondo - Galveston County Sheriff-Liaison
    Darrel Isaacks - Galveston County Sheriff-Liaison
    Louie Trochesset - GCSO Liaison School Program Coordinator

    I couldn't help but notice there is only one board member and there weren't any Liaison's from any of the other cities in Galveston County. Hmm, I wonder why?
